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Something new I have been doing for fitness is rock climbing. It is a great combination of strength, flexibility and cardio. As a runner I have a very low resting heart rate, but when I climb certain walls my heart is pumping hard! I highly suggest everyone try it at least once. I climb at Adventure Rock an indoor gym with varying levels of climbing. Starting at a low grade of a 5.5 up to a 5.12+. If you would like to focus on bouldering they have those walls on the second level of the gym.

The gym also contains a strength area and cardio area if you don't want to climb that day. You can either clip into the auto belay or belay with a climbing partner. I have a climbing partner and I auto belay. I always warm up on the auto belay. Both serve a purpose for me. If I am climbing alone I will use the auto belay. If I want more socializing and encouragement I climb with a group or my partner. Children are encouraged to climb as well, and they provide gear rentals if you'd like. Groupon often has a deal to try climbing for six weeks. Happy Climbing! Love, April

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